Terms & Conditions

1.0   Ordering

1.1    For next day deliveries, orders must be placed via online no later than 3pm daily the preceding day . We do not deliver on Sunday. 

1.2    A minimum order applies and must exceed the value of $40 + GST. 

1.3    For private and one-off orders, a minimum of $40 + GST applies and must be prepaid. 

1.4    Once payment has been processed, you are unable to make any cancellations or changes to the paid invoice.
1.5    No deliveries are available for private or one-off customers; these orders must be picked up from our reception area between 9am      
         and 2pm Monday to Friday only.

1.6    We are happy to supply an order form specially designed to suit your ordering patterns; call us for details. 

1.7    We regret that orders placed for next day delivery after our order deadline of 3pm cannot be attended to until the next working day. 

1.8    A ‘Standing Order’ can be placed which will guarantee next day delivery. This order can be adjusted daily on request, and will ensure
         a delivery to your door if ever you should forget to order, or miss our close off time.

1.9   Cancellations or a standard order to be placed on hold for a period of time must be faxed or emailed to our sales department. 

1.10  Please note that different ordering times and delivery schedules will apply for public holidays, and we request that you confirm with our 
        sales team the changes which may affect your deliveries. Any standing orders scheduled for delivery on a public holiday will  
        automatically be delivered the next available delivery day unless you advise us of cancellation or changes prior.

1.12  If the standing order is not cancelled prior to the order deadline of 3pm, the delivery will be made and invoice charged to your
1.13  All new customers are required to complete a Credit Application form to ensure we have accurate delivery and billing details prior to
        your first order. Your application is carefully assessed by our Accounts Manager, who will forward you notification of your approved  
        trading terms.


2.0   Deliveries

2.1   If the premises are unattended at the time of delivery, we require from you in writing with a secure place where orders may be left. 

2.2   All deliveries which are stolen or subsequently damaged after delivery at your nominated secure area are at your own risk. 

2.3   COD orders will not be left without payment unless prior arrangements made or prepaid via credit card. 

2.4   If a secure place has not been nominated and your premises are unattended, our drivers are not permitted to leave the goods. They
       will continue with their delivery schedule and we cannot guarantee that the driver will be able to return. The invoiced goods will be
       charged to your account.

2.5   Traffic and weather conditions are unpredictable, and we cannot guarantee a set delivery time. Our drivers request a 3 hour window
       which they can make the delivery (but this cannot be guaranteed) and request that someone is available to accept, check and sign off    
       on the delivery.

2.6   The delivery time frames are featured on the Credit Application form; we ask that you select the timeframe that suits you best.

        If we are unable to achieve this timeframe, our sales staff will notify you to make alternate arrangements. 
2.7   We request that at time of delivery the person accepting the order checks that you have received all that is listed on the invoice and
       signs the driver’s manifest to confirm that you have received everything in good order. 


3.0   Products

3.1   Product size, weight, description and packaging configurations are subject to change at our discretion without notice. Actual products     
        compared to pictures featured in this catalogue may vary.
3.2   All products are manufactured in a facility that also handles gluten, egg, milk, tree nuts, sesame seeds and soy products. As a result
        the products may contain traces of these allergens.


4.0   Pack Configurations
4.1   In order to provide a fresher, longer-lasting product and for ease of delivery, we have designed our products to be delivered in pack
       configuration as outlined in this catalogue. 

4.2   When placing your order, please keep within the required pack quantities. Any orders which do not comply will be rounded up to the    
        stated quantity amounts.


5.0   Prices

5.1   Prices are subject to change at our discretion. Please note that the GST component may vary slightly due to rounding.


6.0    Credits

6.1    To ensure that you are issued Credit Notes correctly; our office must be notified of any request for credit within 24 hours from time of 
         delivery. Any requests outside of the 24-hour period will not be granted. 

6.2    Upon delivery orders must be signed for and checked for any shortages, damages etc. Any discrepancies must be logged on our driver’s 
         manifest and the product must be returned. This will allow us to deal with any issues promptly. 

6.3    Where possible, replacement products will be delivered on the same or following day. We do not offer compensation for loss of sales
         under any circumstances.

6.4    If a problem should arise, please contact our sales team so we can solve the problem with as little inconvenience to you as possible.  


7.0    Payments
7.1    For account customers, payment must be made within the Trading Terms. If your account should go into arrears we may suspend    

         further deliveries until payment has been received, without warning. 

7.2    For COD regular customers, payment must be received at or before time of delivery.

7.3    We further reserve the right to recover all expenses, costs and/or disbursements incurred in recovering any overdue monies,  including
         debt collection fees and all legal costs.  The ownership of any goods supplied by VSE International does not transfer to the customer  
         until such goods are fully paid for.


8.0    Payment Methods

         Direct Bank Transfer: Please transfer funds to VSE International BSB: 969-100  Account:  701-308-809

         Credit Card Payments – Visa/Mastercard/American Express

         Cheque: Please make cheques payable to VSE International

         BPAY: Details featured on the bottom of your invoice
         Cash: For COD regular customers, payment must be made at or before time of delivery

         PLEASE NOTE: Credit cards surcharge will apply: 1% surcharge for Mastercard and Visa payments. 3% surcharge for American Express

         Dishonoured Payments: A $25.00 fee may be charged in the event of a dishonoured payment.


9.0     Replacement Invoices and Replacement PODs

          A charge of $3.00 + GST may apply for requests of copy invoices or proof of delivery outside the period of 7 days from date of issue.

9.1     Late payments: A late payment fee of 1.5% per invoice may be charged should your account be paid outside your trading terms.


10.0   Change of Ownership
          The customer agrees to notify VSE International in writing of any change of ownership of its business within 7 days from the date of
          such change and indemnifies VSE International against any loss or damage occurred by it as a result of the customer’s failure to notify
          us of any change.